Saturday, April 11, 2009

Happy Almost Easter

Today I am remembering an Easter 2 years ago, after my mom had just been diagnosed with cancer and was in the first stages of her treatment. The kids and I visited for a week, and Tom, Lisa and Esme came up right before Easter for an overnight. There were the usual Kenney family gathering events – much music, laughter, a good Lisa meal. Mom was not feeling well – the chemo was starting to have an effect - but her spirit was brightened by all the activity and excitement.

There are many precious pictures and memories that I have of Harper and Esme, who were best of buds when together. This particular trip, Esme and Harper colored eggs, shared a popsicle, and tromped around together in the snow, which fell fast and furious on “Easter eve”. Esme had a playful spirit that made her a natural playmate for Harper (and Cam once he got older).

My mom’s illness, painful as it was, brought the family together more often and gave us the gift of more precious time with Esme and other beloved family members. My happiest family memories are being lost in a song, with Kenney voices and guitars surrounding, like we were that Easter, this past Thanksgiving in Connecticut and the night after Esme’s memorial service. I love Esme, and I love you all.

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1 comment:

  1. Esme with the Easter egg: radiant jewel with a clean conscience, without the slightest hint of guile, a sparle of purity and innocence, quite frankly, angelic....
