Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Thanks for the (musical) memories

Music brings our family together - we join energy and become one voice, one song, for a precious moment. I have fond memories of dance parties of Thanksgiving pasts, and lately, the jam sessions and singalongs that take place whenever we gather.

Esme was in the thick of our musical gatherings. Her voice, beautiful and strong like her sisters’, was always clear. It would have been delightful to see her on guitar this summer (or maybe having fun with the accordion, or shaking maracas with her nieces).

I will cherish many musical moments from this year’s trip – Bright Morning Star sung from kayaks and canoes, Brad/Bri Beatles dance party, post-fish-fry singalongs (sometimes joyful, sometimes teary). We sang the popcorn song but it just wasn’t the same without Es.
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